國際移工 人力銀行 人力仲介 外勞仲介 長照 外籍看護
Images of the Canton Factories 1760–1822:Reading History in Art
商品網址: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/tinaliao1968/products/0010694216
Hundreds of Chinese export paintings of Canton trading houses and shopping streets are in museums and private collections throughout the world, and scholars of art and history have often questioned the reliability of these historical paintings. In this illustrated volume, Paul Van Dyke and Maria Mok examine these Chinese export paintings by matching the changes in the images with new historical data collected from various archives. Many factory paintings are reliable historical records in their own right and can be dated to a single year. Dating images with such precision was not possible in the past owing to insufficient information on the scenes. The new findings in this volume provide unprecedented opportunities to re-date many art works and prove that images of the Canton factories painted on canvas by Chinese artists are far more trustworthy than what scholars have believed in the past.
作者: Paul A. Van Dyke, Maria Kar-wing Mok
新功能介紹- 出版社:香港大學出版社
新功能介紹 長照法 - 出版日期:2015/10/26
- 語言:英文
國際移工組織Images of the Canton Factories 1760–1822:Reading History in Art
: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/tinaliao1968/products/0010694216
國際移工 人力銀行 人力仲介 外勞仲介 長照 外籍看護